Tips for Getting Organized in 2021

I’ve written a long post about why “getting organized” rarely works. If you’re curious about why that is, you can read that post here.

But before you think I’m just writing off your goals, don’t give up on me yet.

I know so many people who want to get organized in 2021 (and every other year too). And if that’s you, then you’re in the right place.

As a professional organizer and New Year’s Resolution coach, I have so much advice and direction for you.

I totally believe that there is no better time to get organized than in 2021. And that’s not just because that is the year that lies open in front of us and there is no better time to tackle our goals than the present. But rather, because as external upheaval is likely to continue in 2021, our homes, habits, and belongings are completely under our control.

And those are perfect places to get started if you want to get organized.

Since you probably want to organize so that your life can be easier, I’ll keep my advice short and simple.

If you want to get organized in 2021, you need to:

  • Decide why organizing is one of your goals. There are so many great reasons to want to live a more organized life: so that you never have to search for your keys, so you can enjoy a color-coded wardrobe, so you always know what groceries you need to pick up, so you never show up late for another appointment (or miss it entirely), or any of a million other reasons. No matter why getting organized is on your goals list for 2021, take some time to recognize the reason. It can be big or small, and as long as the reason is something that is compelling to you, and is likely to drive you to take the action to get organized, then you can move on. If you like the reason but don’t feel particularly motivated by it, I would encourage you to dig a little deeper into why this is a goal you want to pursue. I’m sure we can find what I like to call your “root why”, even if it isn’t immediately evident.

  • Define what you want to accomplish. On December 31, 2021, how will you know that that you have “gotten organized”? Does that mean your photos are organized? Your closet? Your schedule? How can you measure that so that you will know when it can be checked off your list - and so you’ll know when you can break out the champagne?

  • Let go of control and take responsibility. This is a fine line to walk, but reaching any goal requires us to take responsibility for achieving it in our life. Things will probably come up that are outside of our control (hello, 2020!), and that’s okay. Even in 2021, Goodwill may be closed for 6 months, so all those items you were ready to get rid of may have to live in your garage a bit longer. Or you may not be able to order those hangers you wanted because they were back-ordered. Or maybe you can’t hire the help you want because of the continuing COVID restrictions in your area. Whatever may come up, be willing to take responsibility for the things that you can control, and be okay with letting go of the things that you can’t. Any progress that you make for yourself and in your home should be celebrated, even if the bag of donations needs to sit by the backdoor for a few more weeks.

  • Get creative. While accepting that some things may not go as planned, we can intentionally plan to get creative! Maybe you can’t donate your clothes to Goodwill, but could post in a “buy nothing” group in your local area and have someone come pick up the things that you are ready to get rid of! No trip to town required. Maybe you can find a different bin when the one you’d planned on ordering was out of stock. Or you can get rid of a few more things to empty a bin you already have and use that instead. Your creativity is only limited by your imagination, and maybe the inspiration you can find on Pinterest.

  • Allow yourself to get help. Assistance in getting organized can come in so many forms - and it doesn’t have to look like hiring a professional organizer, although it can. There are so many resources at all price points and free guides for anything you could possibly need help with. You can utilize podcasts, YouTube videos, social media, books, and even TV shows, to get the guidance and help that you need. There is nothing wrong with outside assistance, even if you consider yourself a pretty organized person. We can all use some encouragement and inspiration - and practical, hands-on help never hurts.

  • Build your identity as an organized person. The number one thing that will help you to get and stay organized in 2021 (and beyond) is to think of yourself as an organized person. I know there are probably some areas of your life or home that you think are a bit of a disaster, but if you take some time to look, I’m sure you can find also areas where you already are super organized. Maybe you’re never behind on laundry. Maybe you always put your shoes away on your shoe shelf. Maybe you already decant items in your pantry to keep it looking picture-perfect. No matter how crazy your closet or garage may look, there are probably some areas of your life where you are an organizational superhero. Take some time to recognize those areas and do an audit to see what makes the systems in those areas of your life so successful. With that knowledge, you’ll be ready to tackle any other area of your home. Start thinking of yourself as an organized person now, and that will fuel the action it takes to get your home, schedule, and life in order.

  • Celebrate everything. Big wins, small wins - celebrate it all. From cleaning out a drawer to tackling your entire garage, it is all worth celebrating. Starting small can help to build momentum. But you’ll accelerate even faster if you show yourself that when you do something amazing (big or small), you celebrate your accomplishments!

If you need help reaching your organizational goals (or any other goals for that matter), book a free call with me here so that we can get you started on the right path.

I’m so excited about all that you will accomplish in 2021. Living an organized life is totally possible. And there is no better time to make that a reality than right now.

Until next time,
