Podcast: Downsizing in Retirement

I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed on Jason Parker’s Sound Retirement Radio podcast. It was a great experience.

With all that is going on in the world right now, I know that a lot of people are finding more time to clean and organize. I was really grateful that I got to share some tips and tools for people who find themselves in that boat right now.

Since Jason Parker helps people to prepare for retirement, I also help give some direction to people in that stage of life who may be considering downsizing - whether that is in the near future or still off on the horizon.

I also got to share on the episode about some of the top professional organizers in the industry, where I love to shop for organizing products, and my favorite areas to organize.

For more information about the services we offer, or how we could help you, feel free to visit Masterpeace Organizing. And you can also check out my organizing blog posts for more tips and suggestions to help guide you on your organizing journey.

Like I share in the episode, the best way to tackle any organizing project (or almost anything else for that matter) is to just start. For some people that may be with one drawer or cupboard - a great place to start. Other people might want to tackle their basement or garage - a much bigger undertaking, but definitely worth it!

Whatever you may be focusing on right now, and whatever stage of life you are in, just know that tiny steps can get you exactly where you want to be.

Until next time,
