My Favorite Professional Organizers on Instagram

It was actually a post just like this that got me started on my journey to becoming a professional organizer.

I was stuck backstage at a rehearsal for my local community theater’s production of The Secret Garden. Since there were several young children in that show, I spent a lot of time backstage during rehearsals, scrolling through social media while they ran through all of the scenes that I wasn’t in.

And that’s how I came across an article on Pinterest about the top professional organizers you should follow on Instagram. With no real idea of what a professional organizer was, and no end to my scrolling in sight, I clicked the link.

My reaction was overwhelming and instantaneous. I was shocked by the amazing pictures, in awe of the organized spice drawers, garages, and linen closets pictured. I went and followed all of the accounts immediately.

Now, several years later, I have unfollowed some of those accounts because they don’t really match my taste, and others are no longer active. Some though, I have made sure to include on this list as well because I love them that much. And I have also come across some other great accounts that I love to follow that I’m sharing as well.

Whether you love to organize, just love looking at the beautiful pictures, or have no idea what a professional organizer is, these accounts will educate, inspire, and help to guide you along your organizing journey.

  • First, of course, is @thehomeedit. With their show on Hello Sunshine, their New York Times best-selling book, and their upcoming Netflix series, Joanna and Clea are some of the best known professional organizers out there! And although you might start following them for the stunning images on their feed, you’ll likely stick around for their very #onbrand stories, complete with plenty of social commentary, adorable and hilarious kids, and the occasional organizing tip. They also have a new book coming out in September that I am SO excited for. I pretty much never buy books, but that was one that I made sure to pre-order.

  • I also love following @theorderlyspace. Somewhat local to me, Jennifer built her business and large following in a really short span of time! She and her team conquer projects big and small and have some of the best before and afters out there. There is a new post every day and pretty consistent stories featuring projects and Jennifer’s family alike.

  • @lifeinjeneral is another amazing business, based in Southern California. They have a huge team, a closet company, and an in-the-works office space. If you’re looking for organizing tips, ideas, and projects - they’ve got you. Although their feed is mainly pictures of pretty spaces that they’ve organized, their (almost daily) stories walk you through the ins and outs of their organizing process. They show lots of behind the scenes, answer lots of questions, give lots of product links, and show what it is like to organize pretty much any space. If you’re looking for “jeneral” organizing advice, or something more specific, they would be my first stop.

  • While technically a professional organizer, @shiragill only seems to work in client’s homes occasionally. Her primary business centers around courses and she recently announced a book deal! I love her feed though. Her stylized photos and seemingly continuous photoshoots are just dreamy. She is another person who blends her family and business really well in her social media, without being overwhelming with either. I also appreciate how she often mentions living sustainably and offers tips for doing so. Not to mention, her house is just gorgeous.

  • Another person who is not technically a professional organizer but who I absolutely adore is @allie_thatsme. Commonly referred to as the “life minimalist,” Allie is changing lives through her podcast, courses, programs, social media, and every other kind of content (a lot of it for free)! She certainly deals with the practical side of decluttering and organizing, but her main focus is on the mental and “spirit” side of what is holding you back in every area of your life. While a lot of her message focuses on moms (which I am not) I still relate a lot to her message and love her authenticity and attitude. She is definitely one of my biggest business inspirations.

  • Now, time for a shameless plug - you can also follow my Instagram account @masterpeaceorganizing. I do my best to share a combination of tips, inspiration, and personal updates. I also share a lot of the stuff that I write about here! So you can always be in the loop when a new personal development or organizing-related post goes up. Since I try to maintain strict confidentiality for many of my clients, I don’t share a ton of before and/or afters. Some clients really do want them out there though, so those I definitely share. A lot of the nitty-gritty goes on behind the scenes, but I try to post about what I think will be most helpful for you! I also don’t hesitate to direct to others who have content or resources to help - just like I am doing here.

And there you have it. When I sat down to compile this list, I was really surprised to see how short it was. But at the same time, I’m glad that it isn’t very long. These are the people and accounts that I have deliberately decided to follow, and if the list was two or three times as long, it might not be as intentional (not that there aren’t hundreds of amazing organizers out there). I’m pretty stingy with the people I follow, trying to ensure that the people in my feed “spark joy” and challenge me simultaneously.

There is a lot of junk on the internet that I would love to declutter, but that would be a pretty big task. Instead, I can only control my little corner of it - what I consume and what I create.

Curating the things and people that have input in your life (even just through your social media feed) is not always easy, and it can take some effort, but just like a truly organized home - it is worth all the effort in the end. And if you chose not to follow any organizing accounts because you don’t want to - then go you!

All of the accounts above though are ones that I have chosen to allow in my feed and my life. I hope that you are as inspired and awed by their content as I am. And most of all, I hope it encourages you to create at your highest level - whether through running an inspiring Instagram account, organizing your coat closet, or (like me) starting a business that enables you to try to do both.

Until next time,
