Podcast: Achieve Your Goals

I recently had the opportunity to be interviewed on Jason Parker’s Sound Retirement Radio podcast for the second time. Compared to the at-home setup that I use for recording the Resolve Podcast (which works just great, don’t get me wrong), I loved getting to do an in-person interview and to get to take advantage of their impressive recording studio.

The podcast and Parker Financial, Jason’s business, focuses predominately on helping people prepare for retirement. One of their products, however, was launching a new feature focused on helping its users set and reach their goals. Since that is my area of expertise, I enjoyed getting to go on the podcast to share tips, tricks, and strategies to help them do just that.

I also got to share on the episode about the goals that I have been working on, when to push through or take goals to the next level, the role that fun plays in reach our goals, and what to do when other people aren’t responding to your journey or achievements in the way that you hoped they would.

Also, as I shared in the episode, I had the opportunity to go on the podcast several years ago to talk about organizing, downsizing, and so much more. If you want to check out that episode too, you can do so here.

Regardless of your stage of life, whether just starting out on your own or retiring from a life-long career, you are probably trying to find out what is next, what you want, and how to get there. Goals are such powerful tools to help us accomplish all of that, and this episode is a great starting place to help you figure out exactly what the next (or first!) step may be for you.

Until next time,
